New Home Hydraulic Lifts GMV Make
Respecting design, the hydraulic lifts are equipped with:
Direct drive (1:1) - Piston directly acts on the car frame and a plunger stroke equals the cabin’s travel.
Indirect drive (1:2) - Piston drives the car frame through the pulleys and ropes, so a cabin’s travel doubles a plunger stroke.
The direct drive is used in lifts with lower travel and higher capacity.
If the lift does not have a separate machinery room, the power unit and the controller can be placed in a machinery cabinet (GREEN LIFT® - FLUITRONIC® MRL-MC) or directly in the shaft’s pit (GREEN LIFT® - FLUITRONIC®MRL-T). The power unit includes a working fluid in which the motor and coupled to it pump are immersed.
The principle of the hydraulic lift operation is simple. Cabin is driven up by the piston working under pressure of fluid pumped. Downward movement is possible due to the gravity forces, with no power consumption of the motor and the fluid returns back to the power unit container. The precise movement of the cabin in both directions is electronically controlled by the valve block. The shafts of hydraulic lifts do not require the dilatation and are of a very compact size in relation to cabins and have light walls construction for the forces concentrate mainly on the bottom of the shaft. This allows the architects to optimize the building’s space and increase usable / residential surface of the building. Placing power unit out of the shaft causes the extremely low noise emission and therefore the hydraulic lifts are especially recommended in residential buildings. In addition, hydraulic lifts are known for their longevity (20 and more years), because they have a simple construction and a small number of parts - including moving parts. Therefore the operating costs are exceptionally low.
- Lifts designed for new buildings according to EN 81-1 and EN 81-2 standards:
- Hydraulic lifts
- Lifts designed for existing buildings according to EN 81-21 standard (if one cannot apply lifts designed new buildings):
Home Lift® - is a new product on the Polish market. It is produced in accordance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EU retains all features of the lifts. A 1:2 hydraulic drive is based on the Fluitronic® technology with a proportional, electronic, digitally controlled valve block NGV. It is equipped with telescopic, automatic cabin and shaft doors. Call and run orders are executed fully automatically. The minimum shaft dimensions are the record ones: pit 15 cm, and 260 cm headroom. The Home Lift® with maximum load of 400 kg is driven by a single phase motor of 2.2 kW power. In case of power failure the cabin goes to the lowest stop and opens the door. The high quality of the device confirms a long warranty: extended up to 10 years.
LIFT IN YOUR HOUSE – It is an information campaign aimed at the future and current home owners. Following the other countries, we would like the lift to be a piece of equipment not only in the public buildings, but also in private houses as well. Guided by this idea, GMV has developed the Home Lift® - a unique lift for each user and designed to work in every building. It’s worth to think about Home Lift® the designing process, even if the decision to purchase it would be postponed for the next years. However, if the building already exists, it is possible to install it in the shaft tower: internal or external. The cost of equipment and the assembly is lower than the cost of buying a car and comparable - for example - with the fully equipped kitchen cost. Home Lift® meets the strict European rules on that type of equipment in the following areas: functionality, performance and security.
Home Lift® characteristics:
GMV producer
- Compliance with the Machine Directive 2006/42/EU
- Drive: Hydraulic 1:2 Fluitronic® with a NGV proportional valve
- Load: 250-400 kg / 3-5 persons
- Max. travel: 12 m
- Max. number of stops / approaches: 5/6
- Lift cabin dimensions: WxD 800-1100 x 1000-1400 mm / door: 700-900 mm
- Use: in new and existing residential buildings, public buildings, private houses.